Brisbane Guadalupe Quarry Redevelopment EIR

The City of Brisbane is reviewing applications to redevelop the 144-acre Guadalupe Quarry. The proposed project includes closure of the active hardrock quarry and redevelopment of a portion of the site with logistics/e-commerce/light industrial land uses. The remainder of the site would remain open space. The project site, which is located in unincorporated San Mateo County within the City of Brisbane’s Sphere of Influence, is currently designated as Heavy Industrial and Open Space land uses and has a zoning classification of Heavy Industrial (M-2). The project would include annexing the project site into the City of Brisbane’s city limits and would change the existing Heavy Industrial land use designation to Trade Commercial and keep the Open Space land use designation unchanged. In accordance with the modifications to the land use designations, the proposed developed portion of the project site would be pre-zoned as Crocker Logistics Trade Commercial, with the remaining area pre-zoned as Open Space.

Panorama is managing preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed project. As part of the EIR process, Panorama is peer reviewing applicant-prepared technical reports.