California to introduce new renewable energy legislation

The California legislature has taken the words from Jerry Brown’s inauguration very seriously. Governor Jerry Brown called for an expansion of California’s renewable energy goals in his inaugural address (check out our blog post on the topic) and proposed the following goals:

  1. Increasing electricity derived from renewable sources from one third to 50 percent
  2. Reducing today’s petroleum use in cars and trucks by up to 50 percent 
  3. Doubling the efficiency of existing buildings and making heating fuels cleaner 

California lawmakers have begun drafting new laws to fulfill these ambitions and will introduce new measures to meet these goals. Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Léon introduced Senate Bill 350, which would fulfill the goal of reducing petroleum use in cars by up to 50 percent. This goal would most likely be met by incentivizing electric vehicle purchase and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in cars. Check out this article for more information on the legislation that is being proposed and be sure to periodically check our website to get updates on the latest news.