Governor Jerry Brown calls for Expanding California’s Renewable Energy Goals

Governor Jerry Brown has been busy these last couple of days preparing for the new year with ambitious goals for California. Before attending the ceremonial groundbreaking ceremony in Fresno for the High-Speed Rail Project (check out our last blog) Governor Brown called for an expansion of California’s renewable energy goals in his inaugural address presented on January 5th, 2014. 

Governor Brown proposed the following three environmental goals with a deadline of 2030:

  1. Increase electricity derived from renewable sources from one third to 50 percent
  2. Reduce today’s petroleum use in cars and trucks by up to 50 percent 
  3. Double the efficiency of existing buildings and make heating fuels cleaner 

You can find the transcript of Governor Brown’s inaugural address by following this link and you can check out some of the work we have done on the renewable energy fron by follwing these linkst: