Panorama Volunteering Day at Health & Harvest Fair

To wrap up our volunteering efforts in 2019, the Panorama Team visited the Southeast Community Facility to volunteer at the 12th Annual Health and Harvest Fair. The theme of the fair was “Wellkanda”, with a focus on health and San Francisco’s newly designated African-American Arts & Culture District.

The fair gave community members access to free medical and dental screenings, information on a number of topics ranging from health insurance to environmental issues in the community, and free produce and recipes for healthy meals.

Kathleen, Yingying, and Sam arrived bright and early to a warm welcome by the event organizers and the other volunteers. In addition to discussions about the importance of community involvement, they were treated to a tour of the facility and fair before helping to setup. Then once the festivities began, the Panorama Team was stationed in the lunch tent, serving a nutritious and delicious meal of salads and sandwiches to the attendees.

Yingying and Kathleen prepare to serve lunch

Our team thoroughly enjoyed their experience, and they learned a lot from chatting to the vendors and community members. For example, one booth invited people to try the Harvard Step Test, which is a cardiac stress test that requires only a raised platform or step to complete. The step test is a fitness test and can be used as an early detector of cardiovascular disease. Overall, the event was a great success, as our Marketing Coordinator Sam noted afterwards, “The information and services provided were both useful and relevant, and the community seemed very engaged with everything that was offered.” We are already looking forward to coming back next year!

A big thank you to San Francisco Public Utilities Commission for inviting us to volunteer at the event, as well as all of the volunteers who made it such a successful day. We are excited to continue getting involved and giving back to our local community in 2020!

To read about our previous Panorama Volunteering Day at Alemany Farms, click here!!!