Walker Basin Water Transaction

Panorama defined the water transfer program, prepared the General Plan Amendment and policies, and worked with a biological and wetland specialists to identify sensitive biological habitats and species that could be impacted by a loss of water from irrigation. Panorama’s approach included initial outreach to the community, ranchers, Resource Conservation Districts, and agencies to understand concerns and participation parameters. We developed the program by defining the most likely scenarios that could occur for water transfers. The development of the program also required consideration of complex recent water case law and the jurisdiction of the State Water Resources Control Board in approving water transfers. Panorama has needed to work with the County’s attorneys to understand the parameters under which the County can assert jurisdiction on the water transfer program. Our team also provided letters under AB 52 to tribal entities in the region.

Panorama also quantified the amount of water available and that can be transferred based on the Conservancy’s needs. Panorama is preparing the hydrologic analysis, which is complicated by the fact that there is no groundwater-surface water model available for the area. The program will involve keeping flows on the East and West Walker Rivers, which could increase flow volumes and velocity, resulting in a shortening of the fly fishing season. Panorama, with assistance from 2M Associates, also conduced a visual impacts analysis that is considering visual changes from transitions of wetted fields to upland habitats.